The Quirindi R S L Sub-branch Club (0856388) New South Wales


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The The Quirindi R S L Sub-branch Club company was registered on 13/05/1971 and the ACN (Australian Company Number) of this company is 0856388. The The Quirindi R S L Sub-branch Club is a Australian public company which was registered under class LMGT (Limited by Guarantee) and sub class LISN (Company licensed under Section 383 of the Corporations Act 2001 to omit "Limited" from its name.). Currently the status of The Quirindi R S L Sub-branch Club is registered and registered in New South Wales which state registration number is 12974729. The ABN number (Australian Business Number) of The Quirindi R S L Sub-branch Club is 95000856388.

Faqs About The Quirindi R S L Sub-branch Club

0856388 is the ACN (Australian Company Number) of The Quirindi R S L Sub-branch Club.
The Quirindi R S L Sub-branch Club is a Australian public company and in short form it is called APUB.
The Quirindi R S L Sub-branch Club has been registered under Limited by Guarantee.
The Quirindi R S L Sub-branch Club has been registered as Company licensed under Section 383 of the Corporations Act 2001 to omit "Limited" from its name.
The Quirindi R S L Sub-branch Club has been registered in New South Wales (NSW).
Currently The Quirindi R S L Sub-branch Club company is Registered (REGD).
The The Quirindi R S L Sub-branch Club company was registered on 13/05/1971.
State registration number of the The Quirindi R S L Sub-branch Club company is 12974729.
The ABN (Australian business number) of The Quirindi R S L Sub-branch Club company is 95000856388.

The Quirindi R S L Sub-branch Club (0856388) New South Wales

The The Quirindi R S L Sub-branch Club is a Australian public company which was registered under class LMGT (Limited by Guarantee) and sub class LISN (Company licensed under Section 383 of the Corporations Act 2001 to omit "Limited" from its name.). Currently the status of The Quirindi R S L Sub-branch Club is registered and registered in New South Wales